What with me being me and you seeming you,and you being you and me seeming me:mirage, motive, will, and fixed point of view,transcendent other, yet singular being:in mode of the seen and mode of the seeingwe are nothing at all if not seem and be.
So here goes, son. Breathe. No pressure. Speak now.I say the black guitar is a Burns and the bandis Chris Barber’s fronted by Andy Fairweather-Low—
I’ve gambled on this late night music programhoping you’ll put down your paper and we’ll talk,though lately all I say seems forced and false.
My father troops us along the North CircularPointing at churches, schools, and select houses.He says he built them all and we half believe him.
At Doyle’s corner DeValera’s coffin passes,Flag-draped on a shining gun carriage.My father reloads his nicotine-stained finger.
I shoot my mouth off and say it’s rude to point.My face stings and my eyes burn with grief.I stand corrected before the man who built Ireland.