The Time of Hunger | O Tempo de Chuva explores the emotional droughts and harvests that punctuate daily life. From a market in Mozambique to the cracked clay of Texas, these poems follow the human threads that cross continents and tie cultures together.
There are a lot of good things to say about the poems of Alice Pettway. Probably what sets them apart more than any other virtue is t...
Pub Date
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
Cover Image
Photography: Alice Pettway. Design: Siobhan Hutson
The Time of Hunger | O Tempo de Chuva explores the emotional droughts and harvests that punctuate daily life. From a market in Mozambique to the cracked clay of Texas, these poems follow the human threads that cross continents and tie cultures together.
There are a lot of good things to say about the poems of Alice Pettway. Probably what sets them apart more than any other virtue is the subtle but insistent sense of irony they convey - one of the rarest and most valuable aspects of any art, but especially of poetry.
Miller Williams - Inaugural Poet
We are from one poem to the next, accompanied by her keen eye for the unseen and the nourishment supplied by her own fortitude.
Paul B. Roth - Editor and Publisher, The Bitter Oleander Press
ALICE PETTWAY is the author of three books of poetry: The Time of Hunger, Moth and Station Lights. Her work has appeared in The Bitter Oleander, AGNI, The Southern Review, The Threepenny Review, and many other respected journals. Pettway is a former Chulitna Artist and Lily Peter fellow. She currently lives near Seattle, Washington.