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The Braille of the Sea / Gordon Walmsley

The Braille of the Sea

By: Gordon Walmsley

Those familiar with the spiritual poetry of Gordon Walmsley know that he writes like an angel. This does not mean sweetness and light. Rather, this means a voice, or voices, which use words as DNA fragments: alive; runic; beautiful; unprotected; on a quest – parallel, or not, to the poet’s own quest. Companions, certainly, words and the poet. Risk, without a trace of stress. ‘Braille’ here implicates sight, sound, sm...
ISBN 978-1-912561-15-5
Pub Date Thursday, March 01, 2018
Cover Image Jessie Lendennie, photography. Design: Siobhan Hutson
Page Count 48
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Those familiar with the spiritual poetry of Gordon Walmsley know that he writes like an angel. This does not mean sweetness and light. Rather, this means a voice, or voices, which use words as DNA fragments: alive; runic; beautiful; unprotected; on a quest – parallel, or not, to the poet’s own quest. Companions, certainly, words and the poet. Risk, without a trace of stress. ‘Braille’ here implicates sight, sound, smell, touch, taste. The book is in fact not a collection, it is one continuous poem. Elements expand and contract, interpenetrate translucently: vastness and detail (‘an Irish blanket makes the chair better’); I, you, he, she, it, they. Flashes, too, of other poets (are they really there?): the pre-Socratics, Vaughan, Dickinson, others. Other flashes, of 2018: ‘terrorists’, ‘money.’ The poet urges his listeners (who are they? himself? the reader? the sea? death?) to concentrate, because voices, whether internal or external, are only aids to the heart. And this is a book of the heart:

Concentration means to encircle
and tighten. Like a coil you
pull in. Or a rope.
A press to squeeze lemons.
Richard W. Halperin

Gordon Walmsley

Gordon Walmsley is from New Orleans but he has lived in Europe for most of his life. He now lives in Copenhagen where he has resided for many years. He is the author of seven books of poems and one poetically constucted novel. He translates from various languages, often for, which he founded and continues to edit. He has degrees from Princeton University (Germany literature) and Tulane Univeristy (Law). 

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