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Freshly Rooted / Emily Wall

Freshly Rooted

By: Emily Wall

€12.00 €6.00
How does a new marriage in a new geography change the landscape of self? How does one woman find what it means to live in Alaska? This collection begins with the speaker, one week married, stepping aboard the Alaska State Ferry Malaspina as she embarks on her new life in the North Country. The poems, loosely narrative, follo...
ISBN 978-1-903392-72-0
Pub Date Sunday, April 01, 2007
Cover Image Fred and Corey Wall. Design: Corey Wall
Page Count 88
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How does a new marriage in a new geography change the landscape of self?

How does one woman find what it means to live in Alaska?

This collection begins with the speaker, one week married, stepping aboard the Alaska State Ferry Malaspina as she embarks on her new life in the North Country. The poems, loosely narrative, follow her struggle to navigate the new country of marriage, and to speak the new language of self, in a land of reinvention.

Like a shapeshifting salmon reaching its birth stream, the speaker reimages herself, to make a new place as familiar as home.

Emily Wall

Emily Wall lived aboard her Tayana 37’ sailboat in Vancouver, British Columbia for four years.  During that time she and her husband cruised a thousand miles on the coast, exploring Puget Sound, the Gulf and San Juan islands, the Sunshine Coast, and up through Desolation Sound. In the fourth summer she sailed from Vancouver to Juneau, Alaska, where she currently lives with her husband and three daughters.  She is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Alaska Southeast.  This is her second book; her first book, Freshly Rooted, was published by Salmon Poetry in 2007.

Freshly Rooted

Late Sunday
three tourists stop to watch dog salmon
running in Gold Creek.

The three seem
stunned. Maybe moved, maybe not,
but still in the face of this rush of water,
battered bodies thrashing, gaining
on the stream.

Their pausing makes me look
closer. I see quicksilver bodies
growing accustomed to fresh water,
the smell filling their noses, the rightness
of this place.

I see the way their bodies submit,
shapeshift to fit this new water, and
I am filled with envy.

An Interview with Emily Wall on 49 Writers: Collaborative Reflections & Book News By and About Alaskan Authors.  Read here>>>

Review: Library Bookwatch: August 2008
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive, Oregon, WI 53575
Most Americans don't realize that living in Alaska is a completely different experience from living in any other state. "Freshly Rooted" is Emily Wall's reflections through poetry about adapting to the whole new world that is the coldest state of the Union. Her narrative reflects on how every aspect of her life changed, and how she learned to love it. "Freshly Rooted" is a must for any poetry fan curious about Alaska. "Poem After Bathing": That full flesh moon -/can you see her?-/some soft abdomen,/that spoon of cream/coming out/brimming tonight/able to pray, belly/bared to the black coffee/night, delicious because she/believes it, makes it so,/swallows her sky full.

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James A. Cox
Midwest Book Review

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